Have some time or talents to give? 

What gifts and ministries has God given you so that you may bless others? 

Heres a wish list of items for our craft program


This list is not in order of preference or need. Anything you could donate would be greatly appreciated.

small screws bolts any type of washer
nuts                     eye hooks   cornstarch
wire scraps sequins glitter
buttons safety pins colorful, glossy magazines
wallpaper books clean, 2 liter bottles fabric or ribbon remnants
wax paper sponges kids scissors
construction paper white, unlined paper clean, soup size cans
crayon stubs/ends sponges  paper shopping bags
markers colored pencils crayons
white glue/ glue sticks                  beads- any size, color, shape
unwanted/scratched cds or dvds
Adult Denim Legs       Burlap Pieces              Noise makers                     
Bricks                           Golf balls                       Golf clubs                             
Birthday Party Games  Pinata pieces             Streamers                           
Balloons Hats                kites                             Ping Pong Balls                 








A ministry of the American Baptist Churches of Rhode Island

American Camp Association accredited

Rhode Island Association of Camps
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2009-2010 Canonicus Camp and Conference Center.  All rights reserved.
A Ministry of the American Baptist Churches of Rhode Island