FAQ Info

For more than 60 summers Canonicus Camp has been providing young people with life changing Christian camping experiences. 


Canonicus Camping Goal:
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...to help each camper achieve greater spiritual and personal growth through small group outdoor living in order to better equip the individual for service to the local church, the community and the Lord.

"We are not who we know ourselves to be, but who we are known to be by God.  ...we are who God made us in God's infinite love." This quote from reflections of Henri J. M. Nouwen affirms our desire at Canonicus Camp ~ for each camper's experience at summer camp to be one that is unique, deeply personal and spiritual; allowing campers to seek God in their own way while gaining a deeper understanding of the God who is the creator and lover of humankind.      

What is our property like and who supports our camp ministry?
We run a diverse, fun Christ-centered camping program on a site that is over 300 acres large and includes a 20-acre lake.  Our beautiful property offers many possibilities for a unique, creative camping experience. 
Canonicus Camp is a ministry of the American Baptist Churches of Rhode Island (ABCORI), supported by its 75 churches within the state. Our member churches supports a camping program which balances wholesome Christian fun with a foundational faith and worship aspect.  

What specialty camps do we offer?
We offer many unique specialty camps.  Camps include:
* Horsemanship     * Golf Camp
* Archery              * Sports Sampler
* Grandparents Camp * SK8
* Junior High Plus      * Senior High          * Fellowship Builders
as well as basic camp programs.  For a full list of our programs click on:
    Day Camp            Overnight Camp

What is a typical day at camp like?
Each day starts with a time of worship and Bible study which sets the tone for the exciting fun and fellowship in each day.  The activities are typically selected by the camper group as a whole with support form the counselor staff.  There are some pre-scheduled daily activities, such as swim time, crafts, archery & Trading Post time and any specialty camp time.   For overnight camp there are special evening activities every night.

What are the benefits of sending my child to camp?
According to the American Camps Association "Directions" publication, parents, camp staff and children reported a significant growth in self-esteem, independence, peer relationships, social comfort and many other benefits.  To read a great article on the ACA website, click on this link: ACA Article

Why should I send my child to Canonicus Camp?
Our staff consistently are committed and enthusiastic about working with kids.  The staff represents a wealth of camping experience and a true love for the Christian camp experience.  Our US and International staff members plan and implement Christ-centered creative programs on a beautiful property, making each summer program an unforgettable, life-affirming experience.

What is our staff like?
Our staff members each have a strong Christian commitment and celebrate diversity with a mixture of international and American personnel.  All of our staff are trained utilizing the ACA requirements for ACA staff training, and are thoroughly screened (including personal interviews, letters of reference and criminal background checks) to ensure a positive, safe experience for all campers.  We maintain the high standards required to fulfill 95% or higher grades on all American Camp Association accreditation standards.  


A ministry of the American Baptist Churches of Rhode Island

American Camp Association accredited

Rhode Island Association of Camps
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2009-2010 Canonicus Camp and Conference Center.  All rights reserved.
A Ministry of the American Baptist Churches of Rhode Island