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Directions To This Location
(destination address already filled in)

Traveling north
(from New York and Connecticut)

General Driving Directions

bullet.gif (180 bytes) From I-95 North, take exit 3A onto Route 138 East.
(The exit is marked for Kingston and Newport.)

bullet.gif (180 bytes) Drive for 7 miles (7.5 miles) on Route 138 East.
Take a left onto Route 2 North.
The junction is at a set of lights.

bullet.gif (180 bytes) Drive for 4 miles (4.5 miles) on Route 2 North.

Take a right onto Exeter Road.

From this direction Exeter Road is marked with a Canonicus billboard.

bullet.gif (180 bytes) The right turn is immediately after passing the Rhode Island Veteran's Cemetery on the left and a small group of stores and a post office on the right.

Traveling south
(from Boston and Providence)

Canonicus is about a 35 minute drive south from Providence with no traffic delays.

Canonicus is a 20 minute drive south from TF Green Airport (PVD) located in Warwick.
General Driving Directions

bullet.gif (180 bytes) From I-95 South, take exit 9 onto Route 4 South.

This is a left hand exit.

The exit is marked for North Kingstown and East Greenwich. Travel approx. 7 miles to Exit 5B.

bullet.gif (180 bytes) When on Route 4 South, take Exit 5B onto Route 102 North.

The exit is marked for Exeter & Boss Arena (Univ. of RI).

bullet.gif (180 bytes) Drive for 3/4 mile ( .75 mile) on Route 102 North.

 At the first traffic light,
turn left onto Route 2 South.

bullet.gif (180 bytes) Drive for 2.5 miles on Route 2 South.

Take a left onto Exeter Road (directly opposite the sign for the Exeter Job Corps on Main Street). There is a large billboard for Canonicus at the end of the road.

bullet.gif (180 bytes) Exeter Road is not an obvious turn because it comes right after a bend in Route 2.
If you see a group of stores on your left with a post office and "Exeter Town Pizza" you have just passed the turn and gone about 20 yards too far.

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2009-2010 Canonicus Camp and Conference Center.  All rights reserved.
A Ministry of the American Baptist Churches of Rhode Island