Facility Hire Info
 2009 Non-Profit Day- Group Rates

Shaub Lodge Options (Day Rate 9:00am-5:00pm)
Under 40 Guests $500.00
40-70 Guests $600.00
Over 70 Guests* $750.00

Shaub Lodge Options (Evening Rate 6:00pm-11pm)
Evening Rate $300.00
Each additional Hour prior to 6pm $50.00

Teft Chapel Options**
Day rate (9am-5pm) $375.00
Evening rate (6pm-11pm) $275.00

* Maximum capacity for Shaub Lodge is 120 people
**Maximum capacity for Teft Chapel is 75 people

Breakfast $8.00/person
Lunch $11.00/person
Dinner: $14.00/person

For further information or questions regarding rates, please contact our Guest Services Manager, Linda Martin either through phone 401-294-6318 x103 or email.



A ministry of the American Baptist Churches of Rhode Island

American Camp Association accredited

Rhode Island Association of Camps
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2009-2010 Canonicus Camp and Conference Center.  All rights reserved.
A Ministry of the American Baptist Churches of Rhode Island