Staff Alumni Association

Alumni reunion 09 

Scholarship News
The Warren L. Adams Memorial Fund is administered by the Canonicus Camp Staff Alumni Association to provide several partial camperships to children and youth who wish to attend camp at Canonicus. This fund is available to children involved in an ABCORI church and/or children of former camp staff members. For an application please contact Ann Aldrich at (401) 934-0798 or email.

The Staff Alumni Association is a group of folks who want to stay in touch with each other and who want to stay in touch with what is happening at Canonicus, and is looking to do a few things:

bullet.gif (180 bytes)   We want to find our long lost (and not so long lost) staff alumni and get them on our mailing list.
bullet.gif (180 bytes)   We want to let people know about current Canonicus events.
bullet.gif (180 bytes)   We want to gather together and have fun.

We need your help! If you are a staff alumni then we need you to help us update our records. Please email us with your address or that of any other Canonicus staff alumni you know.

Want to be an international coordinator?  Why not take charge of your own country  (Well, the Canonicus Alumni in your country anyway)? Get us your details and we'll help to get your region in touch.

Got History?
Got some old stories or great old pictures for a Canonicus history section?  Drop us an email or a letter in the mail.  We would really like to get a "Canonicus of the past" history section up and running, with great pictures and stories.


A ministry of the American Baptist Churches of Rhode Island

American Camp Association accredited

Rhode Island Association of Camps
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A Ministry of the American Baptist Churches of Rhode Island